Deep Thoughts by Savy 7.24.17

Deep Thoughts by Savy:

Life is mostly trying to make it through, with a few moments that define who you are. For me:

1) getting divorced. Leaving a stable, comfortable, but completely unhappy relationship was the scariest, but smartest thing I’ve ever done. Ive also divorced careers too.

2) jumping into the free ocean off a boat. And white water rafting. I can’t swim, and i was terrified. But i was sick of being scared. What so i say to Death?! Not today.

3) travelling, hiking, and passing out on Machu Picchu. Going to a new country alone pushes every limit of comfort i had. And i was cold, and weary, and barely spoke the language. It was exhilarating and absolutely the most strenuous physical activity I’ve ever done. And Peru is GORGEOUS.

4) allowing myself to move away from friendships and relationships that are not healthy for me. I.e. People that will knock you or your dreams down, or question your legitimate happiness. People that can’t just be happy for you. I don’t hate them. I know just to step away.

5) i always, always saying YES to new experiences. (As long as it won’t hurt anyone.) Even if it sounds like something you won’t be interested in. I was asked if i wanted to join a bus of female senior citizens to a race. NOTHING about that sounded interesting. But i said yes. As it turns out, the ladies were going to the Kentucky Derby! And those seasoned broads can drink!! Hands down one of my most enjoyable life moments…all from a random YES.

6) and last, but definitely not least, i am making an active movement to keep those that have had a positive impact in my life IN my life. That awesome room mate in college you haven’t heard from in years? Shoot him a text. Your bestie in high school that has a million things going wrong in life? Send her a card to tell her you love her. Little movements like these keep life worth living and loving. It takes 2 seconds and spreads a ton of LOVE.

What has defined your life?